Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Mathematics 4 > Parent Centre > Try It Out

Try It Out


Click on a chapter:

Chapter 1: Patterns in Mathematics

Chapter 2: Numeration

Chapter 3: Data Management

Chapter 4: Addition and Subtraction
  Chapter 5: Measuring Length and Time
  Chapter 6: Multiplication and Division Facts
  Chapter 7: 2-D Geometry
  Chapter 8: Area and Grids

Chapter 9: Multiplying Greater Numbers

  Chapter 10: Dividing Greater Numbers
  Chapter 11: 3-D Geometry and 3-D Measurements
  Chapter 12: Fractions and Decimals
  Chapter 13: Probability
  Chapter 14: Patterns and Motion in Geometry




Chapter 1: Patterns in Mathematics

�Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Patterns with Multiple Attributes

Lesson 2: Number Patterns

Lesson 3: Patterns in T-Charts

Lesson 4: Measurement Patterns

Lesson 5: Solve Problems Using a Patterning Strategy

Lesson 6: Multiple Number Patterns

Lesson 7: Finding Missing Terms


Chapter 2: Numeration

�Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Place Value

Lesson 2: Expanded Form

Lesson 3: Comparing and Ordering Numbers

Lesson 4: Exploring 10 000

Lesson 5: Multiplying by 10, 100, and 1000

Lesson 6: Rounding to the Nearest 10, 100, and 1000

Lesson 7: Communicate About Ordering Numbers

Lesson 8: Counting Money Collections


Chapter 3: Data Management

�Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Constructing a Pictograph

Lesson 2: Choosing a Scale for a Bar Graph

Lesson 3: Collecting Data

Lesson 4: Constructing a Bar Graph with Intervals

Lesson 5: Reading and Interpreting Graphs

Lesson 6: Graphing with Technology

Lesson 7: Communicate About Collecting Data

Lesson 8: Conducting a Survey



Chapter 4: Addition and Subtraction

�Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Adding Mentally

Lesson 2: Estimating Sums

Lesson 3: Communicate About Number Concepts and Procedures

Lesson 4: Adding 4-Digit Numbers

Lesson 5: Subtracting Mentally

Lesson 6: Estimating Differences

Lesson 7: Subtract from 4-Digit Numbers

Lesson 8: Subtracting in a Different Way

Lesson 9: Making Change

Lesson 10: Adding and Subtracting



Chapter 5: Measuring Length and Time

�Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Measuring with Decimetres

Lesson 2: Measuring with Millimetres

Lesson 3: Record Measures Using Multiple Units

Lesson 4: Solve Problems by Drawing Diagrams

Lesson 5: Perimeter of Rectangles

Lesson 6: Decades, Centuries, and Milleniums

Lesson 7: Time in Minutes


Chapter 6: Multiplication and Division Facts

�Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Using Doubling to Modify

Lesson 2: Sharing and Grouping

Lesson 3: Division and Multiplication

Lesson 4: Arrays for Fact Families

Lesson 5: Using Facts to Multiply Larger Numbers

Lesson 6: Solve Problems by Making Models

Lesson 7: Halving Strategies: Facts with 5 and 10

Lesson 8: Adding On: Facts with 3 and 6

Lesson 9: Subtracting Strategy: Facts with 9

Lesson 10: Number Neighbours: Facts with 7 and 8


Chapter 7: 2-D Geometry

�Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Classifying Quadrilaterals

Lesson 2: Building Quadrilaterals

Lesson 3: Congruent Shapes

Lesson 4: Similar Shapes

Lesson 5: Measuring Angles

Lesson 6: Solve Problems by Acting Them Out

Lesson 7: Lines of Symmetry

Lesson 8: Classifying 2-D Shapes



Chapter 8: Area and Grids

�Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Standard Area Units

Lesson 2: Square Centimetres

Lesson 3: Square Metres

Lesson 4: Relating Linear Dimensions

Lesson 5: Relating Shape, Area, and Perimeter

Lesson 6: Solve Problems Using Organized Lists



Chapter 9: Multiplying Greater Numbers

�Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Exploring Multiplication

Lesson 2: Multiplying with Arrays

Lesson 3: Multiplying in Expanded Form

Lesson 4: Communicate About Solving Problems

Lesson 5: Multiplying 3 Digits by 1 Digit

Lesson 6: Multiplying with an Algorithm

Lesson 7: Choosing a Method to Multiply



Chapter 10: Dividing Greater Numbers

 Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Exploring Division

Lesson 2: Using Repeated Subtraction to Divide

Lesson 3: Interpreting Remainders

Lesson 4: Dividing 2 Digits by 1 Digit

Lesson 5: Solving Problems by Guessing and Testing

Lesson 6: Estimating with 3-Digit Dividends

Lesson 7: Dividing in Parts

  Lesson 8: Dividing 3 Digits by 1 Digit



Chapter 11: 3-D Geometry and 3-D Measurements

 Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Sketching Faces

Lesson 2: Building 3-D Shapes with Congruent Faces

Lesson 3: Making Skeleton Models

Lesson 4: Drawing 3-D Shapes

Lesson 5: Communicating and Understanding of Geometric Concepts

Lesson 6: Measuring Mass

Lesson 7: Measuring Capacity

  Lesson 8: Using Mass and Capacity
  Lesson 9: Modelling Volume



Chapter 12: Fractions and Decimals

 Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Fractions of an Area

Lesson 2: Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

Lesson 3: Fractions of a Set

Lesson 4: Decimals Tenths

Lesson 5: Decimals Tenths Greater Than 1

Lesson 6: Adding Decimal Tenths

Lesson 7: Subtracting Decimal Tenths

  Lesson 8: Communicate About Decimal Operations
  Lesson 9: Decimal Hundredths Less Than or Equal to 1
  Lesson 10: Add and Subtract Hundredths
  Lesson 11: Relating Fractions and Decimals



Chapter 13: Probability

 Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Probability Lines

Lesson 2: Experimenting with Spinners

Lesson 3: Making Predictions

Lesson 4: Comparing Probabilities

Lesson 5: Creating Spinners

Lesson 6: Solving Problems Using Tree Diagrams



Chapter 14: Pattern and Motion in Geometry

 Click on a lesson:

Lesson 1: Coordinate Grids

Lesson 2: Translating Shapes

Lesson 3: Rotating Shapes

Lesson 4: Reflecting Shapes

Lesson 5: Communicate About Transformations

Lesson 6: Transformation Patterns

Lesson 7: Extending Transformations Patterns
